Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Solidarity Message from EUROF

EUROF - European Regional Office of the WFTU expresses the solidarity of the European trade unions, workers and employees with the trade union Ver.Di...

WFTU announcement on the anniversary of the great antifascist victory

On May 9, 1945, with the capitulation of Nazi Germany and the end of the fascist axis, the fascist machine that butchered the peoples...

The Meloni government launches a frontal attack on the USB and the right to...

The Meloni government launches a frontal attack on the USB and the right to strike in ItalyIn the last two months, three strikes in...

Solidarity with Michelin workers in France

PAME from Greece expresses its solidarity and support to the struggles of the workers of the multinational Michelin and the FNIC CGT against the...

ETUC Congress-Platform for launching the new Employers-EU Anti-Workers’ Attack

https://twitter.com/PAME_Greece/status/1662061574113075203 On Friday May 26, the Congress of the ETUC concluded in Berlin. A congress that will go down in history for the new bottom...

USB on the streets in 14 Italian squares for the WFTU international day of...

USB, on October 3 promoted by the WFTU under the slogan We will not pay for the capitalist crisis and the imperialist wars Wage and pensions...

USB participates in national demonstration in Rome on 4 November. Against the war Solidarity...

The Meloni government is preparing to renew funding for military aid to Ukraine while it loses no opportunity to openly side with the Netanyahu...

Call for solidarity with the Argentinian Workers!

On the occasion of the national strike is being organized in Argentina on the 24th of January 2024, the WFTU calls on its affiliates to...

France. CGT trade unionist arrested for ‘apologia for terrorism’

At dawn on Friday 20 October, Jean-Paul Delescaut, general secretary of the CGT Nord (the Lille department), was arrested at his home by the...

European Regional Office of WFTU solidarity message with the general strike in the Basque...

The European Regional Office of WFU expresses its solidarity with the general strike on the 30th of January in the Basque country which has...