Saturday, July 27, 2024

Solidarité avec les camarades du syndacat CGT à l’hôpital Ariège-Couseran, victime d’un agression fasciste

Le bureau régional Europe de la Fédération Syndicale Mondiale exprime sa pleine solidarité avec les camarades du Syndicat CGT du Centre Hospitalier d'Ariège-Couserans, affilié...

Greece: people’s Homes are saved by the people!

A river of people spread out yesterday on Papagiannis Street in Elefsina, to become a shield for Dionysia, who is a disabled athlete, and...

The struggle of the “delivery boys” has been vindicated!

The 4th of July 2024 marks a milestone for labour rights in the distribution sector as, following a year and a half year of struggles...

Athens Greece Militant protest against 6day work and extension of unpaid work

With a militant protest at the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Federations and trade unions gave a first responst to the government and the employers,...

VIDEO: Labour Movement in Turkey (15 May – 15 June 2024) On 15 May, workers of Çiğli Municipality and on 20 May workers of Bayraklı Municipality took actions against dismissals and wage cuts. On 20 May,...

USB in the big demonstration against Meloni government and war economy

USB in the big demonstration against Meloni government and war economy1st of June: the demonstration against the Meloni government and the war economy brought...

Nell’anniversario della Nakba, il 15 maggio USB sarà in tutte le piazze al fianco...

La tragedia inenarrabile in atto in Palestina, che ogni giorno scorre sotto i nostri occhi attraverso notiziari, TG e stampa, ci racconta una volontà...

PAME Statement: We Honor the anniversary of Nakba by strengthening the fight for FREE...

The anniversary of the Nakba, the "destruction" and uprooting of thepeople of Palestine in 1948, this year takes place in the context of anew...

The WFTU on the 76th anniversary of the Nakba Day

The 15th of May, 1948, is known in history for the Palestinian people and the world as the “Day of Catastrophe”, the “Nakba Day”,...