Greece: powerful Strike of Delivery Workers

On Friday, November 11 a huge motorcade flooded the centre of Athens. Delivery workers with their “blue” and “red” boxes, held a new massive and successful 24-hour strike mobilization of riders in the digital platforms “Wolt” and “efood”, with thousands of delivery workers joining their voices on the path of struggle.

Delivery workers are fighting for Collective Contracts with better wages and Safety Measures.

From early morning, the messages coming from all the workers and those responsible for the operation of the platforms confirmed that the strike had succeeded, that the deliveries were blocked. It is also characteristic that on the spot at the point of the strike rally, dozens of workers were filling out registration forms in their unions.

“The platforms today are closed, because without us they can’t work, without us gears don’t turn, the machine doesn’t work, the order doesn’t go. We proved it today as we proved it in 2021. We are the strong ones, not the platforms, the contractors, the slave traders,” said George Stefanakis, president of the Food and Tourism Union of Attica, amid applause and chants of the assembled.

Then the thousands of motorbikes started the strike march, stirring up the people who cheered with horns and raised fists, expressing solidarity with their just struggle. Symbolic stops were made outside the Ministry of Labour and also at “McDonalds” and “KFC” stores.

In Thessaloniki, the participation in the strike reached 90%, with massive demonstration in the city. Massive strike actions also took place in Patras, Chania and Larissa.
