USB on the streets in 14 Italian squares for the WFTU international day of struggle

USB, on October 3 promoted by the WFTU under the slogan

We will not pay for the capitalist crisis and the imperialist wars

Wage and pensions increase Now

Struggle in solidarity – Internationalism

organized 14 demonstrations throughout Italy to protest against high energy prices and speculation by multinational corporations.
War and capitalist crisis are now realities that workers must confront forcefully, in Italy as well as around the world. To do this, the only weapons available to workers are those of struggle and organization: that is why we have organized demostrations in front of the headquarters of the major Italian energy companies and their major shareholders. Many of these have grown rich by stealing workers’ savings, speculating on the price of gas and oil.
At many of these demonstrations energy bills, now doubled from a few months ago, were set on fire.

We demonstrated saying once again put down your guns, raise wages and pensions!