Friday, January 17, 2025

Greece: new massive demonstration against privatization of Education

Thousands of students and teachers, with the support of the class unions demonstrated again on Thursday February 15, escalating their almost 2 months of struggle...

Article by George Perros, Head of the PAME Secretariat and deputy Secretary of the...

The government once again puts into practice another long-standing demand of the Greek Industrialists' Association. Work six days a week. Six days of endless...

PAME Greece – Solidarity with the Workers of France

PAME sends to the workers of France the support and solidarity of the class trade unions of Greece, in view of the national strike...

The WFTU European Regional Office at the European Solidarity Conference with Cuba on 23...

Le bureau régional européen de la FSM présent à la conférence européenne de solidarité à Cuba les 23 et 24 novembre au siège du...

1st of September “International Day of Action for Peace” in Cyprus

PEO, DEV-İŞ, KTAMS, KTÖS, KTOEÖS, BES, KOOP-SEN, DAÜ-SEN , Trade Union organizations members of WFTU, honoring the 1st September "International Day of Action for...

European Meeting under the slogan “For a militant, internationalist, coordinated European Trade Union Movement”

A European Trade Union Meeting took place on the 6th of February in Athens, Greece on the framework of the 75th Anniversary Activities of...

La FSM soutient la grève des gaziers de GRDF en France et salue leurs...

La Fédération Syndicale Mondiale, qui représente 105 Millions d’affiliés dans 130 pays sur les 5 continents, réaffirme son soutien sans faille aux travailleurs de...

Perú: 31 de enero marcha nacional

Frente a la dictadura genocida de Dina Boluarte la clase trabajadora se moviliza a nivel nacional el 31 de enero, en Lima la concentración...

Portugal. Serviços mínimos estão a transformar-se em sevícias máximas sobre os professores

Serviços mínimos estão a transformar-se em sevícias máximas sobre os professores; FENPROF abre “Mail Verde” para recolher informações de abusos e ilegalidades e avançar...

LAB es 1ª fuerza de la Administración Foral Navarra.

En las elecciones sindicales de la Administración Foral de Navarra, LAB sindikatua  ha conseguido un total de 77 representantes. 8 más que hace cuatro...