International solidarity from LIMA to PARIS

Tomorrow the honored banners of the working class will fly first in France. Against the anti-worker policy of Macron and the French bourgeois class. The militant unions do not compromise. They do not submit. They show disobedience, pride, they resist. From Paris, from Marseille, from Lyon and the French north, the โ€œbaton of struggleโ€ will be given to Peru.

The statement of the CGTP Peru notes: “on the coasts, in the cities, in the mountains and in the jungle, everyone is fighting in tomorrow’s strike”. Comrades of the famous class-oriented CGTP of Peru, we are with you. Congratulations to all the unions of South America and the Caribbean who organize support initiatives for our class brothers and sisters in Peru.

Long live international solidarity!

No one should be alone in the struggles!

George Mavrikos