Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Massive Union Demonstration – No Involvement of Greece in Imperialists’ Slaughterhouses

 Unions and organizations from Athens demonstrated on Saturday afternoon at Motor Oil Refinery, at the port of Agioi Theodoroi, near Athens denouncing the fact...

Solidarity activities with the people and working-class Peru organized by the WFTU affiliates

Solidarity activities with the people and working-class Peru organized by the WFTU affiliates in Chile, Greece, Panama, Venezuela, Guatemala

PAME: Nous Nous Tenons Aux Côtés Des Travailleurs Français Pour Leur Grève Générale Le...

Le PAME exprime sa solidarité avec les travailleurs de France qui entament une grève générale nationale le 19 janvier contre la sale tentative du...

WFTU Declaration on Mayday 2024

The World Federation of Trade Unions, the militant, class-oriented voice, representing over 105 million workers who live, work, and struggle in 134 countries of...

Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia (Czech Republic): we reject the government’s...

Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia (OS ČMS) expresses its fundamental opposition and backlash to our government’s intention to push through Czech...

Colombia: Otro atroz asesinato de una dirigente sindical en Colombia

Colombia: Otro atroz asesinato de una dirigente sindical en Colombia Sobre el asesinato de Mariela Reyes Montenegro, el Secretario General de la FSM hizo la...

WFTU Statement on the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

On the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the World Federation of Trade Unions, reaffirms its commitment to the struggle for safe...

Italy. Lower your weapons! Raise the wages! Saturday 18 Demonstration at Pisa airport, towards...

Hundreds of male and female workers, together with students and supportive political forces launched from Pisa airport the approach from Tuscany to the national...

Message of solidarity with the strike of French workers 1 October 2024

PEO Cyprus expresses its solidarity and support to the general strike of French workers on October 1st with main demands wage increases, withdrawal of...

Hands off the right to strike

Eurof, the European office of the WFTU, sends its full solidarity to the struggle of British workers against the government's bill to restrict the...