April 17 Greece National Strike a Massive New Step For Wage Increases
With Massive and militant rallies all over Greece thousands of workers demanded Collective Contracts with wage increases, measures against inflation, disengagement from the imperialist...
Plenário dos trabalhadores da CARRISTUR/Madeira
Os trabalhadores da CARRISTUR na região autónoma da Madeira, reúnem em plenário, amanhã (27 Agosto) entre as 15 e as 18 horas, na sede...
Solidaridad con los afectados por las inundaciones en Sevilla
La Oficina Regional Europea de la Federación Sindical Mundial envía sus condolencias y solidaridad a los trabajadores y al pueblo de Valencia y de...
1st of September “International Day of Action for Peace” in Cyprus
PEO, DEV-İŞ, KTAMS, KTÖS, KTOEÖS, BES, KOOP-SEN, DAÜ-SEN , Trade Union organizations members of WFTU, honoring the 1st September "International Day of Action for...
European Meeting under the slogan “For a militant, internationalist, coordinated European Trade Union Movement”
A European Trade Union Meeting took place on the 6th of February in Athens, Greece on the framework of the 75th Anniversary Activities of...
La FSM soutient la grève des gaziers de GRDF en France et salue leurs...
La Fédération Syndicale Mondiale, qui représente 105 Millions d’affiliés dans 130 pays sur les 5 continents, réaffirme son soutien sans faille aux travailleurs de...
Perú: 31 de enero marcha nacional
Frente a la dictadura genocida de Dina Boluarte la clase trabajadora se moviliza a nivel nacional el 31 de enero, en Lima la concentración...
WFTU statement on the Palestinian Land Day and the Launching of an International Solidarity...
The World Federation of Trade Unions honors Palestinians Land Day, commemorated since March 30th, 1976, when the Israeli police shot and killed six Palestinians...
WFTU European Office condemns the Israeli aggression in Jenin
Ten dead and dozens injured, some of them seriously, are the result, unfortunately not definitive, of the air attack launched by the Israeli army...