24 Jan – Defend the right to strike rally and action planning meeting

The government has launched an attack on our rights. Their actions will destroy our fundamental right to strike.

In response to this legislation we must mobilise our entire communities to defeat it. This means together making the 1 Februaryโ€™s TUC called day of action a huge success.

We are therefore inviting all workers, union reps and branch officers to join a collective rally and action planning meeting as we together resist and defeat this latest anti strike legislation.

Date: 24 January

Time: 6-8pm

Venue: National Education Union, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD

Sign up using this form and share with all you know.

When we fight as a collective together we win!

This meeting is called by:

  • Campaign for Trade Union Freedom
  • StrikeMap

Supported by:

  • Institute of Employment Rights
  • Peace & Justice Project
  • Arise
  • War on Want
  • The Peopleโ€™s Assembly
  • Enough is Enough

Original article link: https://actionnetwork.org/events/defend-the-right-to-strike-rally-and-action-planning-meeting/