Message of the European Regional Office on the layoffs by the multinational Group Danone

Dear comrades.

On behalf of the European Regional Office of WFTU we express our solidarity with the workers in France and worldwide.

We condemn the decision of the multinational company Danone to proceed to lay-offs with the pretext of the pandemic Covid 19 and express our solidarity with the trade unions demand of full maintenance of the jobs.

Today the big multinational groups are exploiting the situation and they are escalating once again the attacks against labor rights with the aim of multiplying their profits. Many workers are losing their jobs and put into unemployment, many of them stay without any income for a decent life, pushed into poverty  or forced to work without the necessary health and safety measures

The pandemic has highlighted above all the anti-social nature of the capitalist system.

The EU and the governments promote measures which curtail labor rights, freedom and democratic rights at the same time that they give millions to the companies and allow businesses and the multinational companies to attack workers’ rights. The main objective is to increase the profits, to undermine the workers’ rights and to cut the wages.

In these conditions we continue our efforts to intensify the struggle and strengthen international solidarity to defend jobs with rights and trade union rights against the capitalist attacks and send the message that we will not accept to pay the price of this pandemic crisis.