Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The delegation of CTC Cuba visited the WFTU General Secretary office in Cyprus

The delegation of CTC Cuba, composed of comrades Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento CTC General Secretary and WFTU Vice-President and comrade Ismael Drullet Pérez member...

Hands off the right to strike

Eurof, the European office of the WFTU, sends its full solidarity to the struggle of British workers against the government's bill to restrict the...

The transport workers of USB express their sorrow and condolences to the Greek railway...

I lavoratori dei trasporti di USB esprimono il loro dolore e cordoglio ai Ferrovieri greci e ai familiari delle vittime del gravissimo incidente occorso...

Portugal: 1º de Maio

Dear comrades On behalf of the CGTP-IN and the Portuguese workers we want to greet the workers of your countries and your organization in particular,...

Presentation of the document of WFTU EUROPEAN WORKING WOMEN

Presentation of the document of WFTU EUROPEAN WORKING WOMEN WFTU EUROPEAN WORKING WOMEN We strengthen our struggle for emancipation  and  equality against the violence of our exploiters 2th...

Euskadi: Hemos vuelto a exigir que se detenga la destrucción y ocupación del pueblo...

Todos los sindicatos nos hemos sumado a las movilizaciones convocadas para hoy a las 19:00 a las puertas de los ayuntamientos por la iniciativa...

Eurof -WFTU reaffirms its support for Jean-Paul Delescaux, General Secretary of the U.D. CGT...

The European Regional Office - WFTU , reiterates its support for Jean-Paul Delescaux, General Secretary of the Union Départementale CGT du Nord, who is...

The struggle of the “delivery boys” has been vindicated!

The 4th of July 2024 marks a milestone for labour rights in the distribution sector as, following a year and a half year of struggles...

Fully successful strike in France, thousands on the streets

Grève pleinement réussie en France, des milliers de personnes dans les rues