WFTU PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL: Speech Comrade Pierpaolo Leonardi, WFTU European Office
Speech Comrade Pierpaolo Leonardi – USB Italy – WFTU European Office
Comrade General Secretary, Comrade President, Dear Comrades
ETUC congress opens tomorrow. They pretend that nothing is happening in order to continue...
---- ENG
They pretend that nothing is happening in order to continue to serve the European Union and the interests of capital.
Starting tomorrow, the leaders...
PAME Call for National Strike September 21-Big demonstration Sept. 15
With a big Demonstration in front of the Parliament, on Friday, September 15, the class unions gave a first, militant response to the Government’s...
Solidarity with Palestine grows with militant Actions every day
PAME held a series of actions in solidarity with Palestine, denouncing the continuing crimes of Israel in Gaza.
During the Athens Marathon race hundreds of...
Iwi successfully holds conference on international working women’s day
The International Workers’ Institute (IWI) has successfully held the 2nd Conference in the framework of the Second Trade Union Educational Cycle on the occasion...
Jsme solidární s pracovníky LAKRO
Odborové sdružení Čech, Moravy, Slezska vyjadřuje solidaritu a podporu dělníkům a zaměstnancům LAKRO v jejich spravedlivém boji proti likvidaci výroby, za spravedlivé mzdy a pracovní...
ARMS Shipment to Israel Blocked by Workers of Piraeus!
Late last night the COSCO Dockers Union in Piraeus Port, ENEDEP, alerted its members and the unions of the area that...
First Victory for the COSCO Dockworkers in Piraeus
The organized fight of the of the ENEDEP union of the dockworkers of Piraeus port, against the Chinese monopoly of COSCO, brought the first...
Message of the European Regional Office of WFTU about the Action Day on Health...
The European Regional Office of the WFTU fully supports the Action Day on Health Care on the 7th of April.
The consequences of the pandemic...
A new massacre in Turkish mines
More deaths in Erdogan's mines. After the massacre in the Soma mine where, in 2014, 301 Turkish miners died, one of the recent mine...