Solidarity with the people affected by the terrible earthquake in Turkey and Syria

EUROF WFTU expresses its utmost solidarity with the people affected by the tremendous and devastating earthquake in Syria and Turkey.


The USB close to the people affected by the devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria tonight.

USB  expresses solidarity with the trade unions in Turkey and Syria, which will have to face a very difficult social situation due to this terrible devastation, which as always hits the poorest hardest.

USB request on all European trade union organisations affiliated to the World  Federation of Trade Union  to activate donations to be sent to the affected populations through local trade union organisations.


On the devastating earthquake in Turkey

PAME stands by our brothers and sisters, the workers and the peoples of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and all the neighboring countries affected by the massive earthquake in the morning of Monday, 6 February.

We are shocked to see the images, especially from the region at the epicentre of the earthquake, where once again natural phenomena have victimised the poor people.

Since the first hours of the earthquake PAME has been in contact with the trade unions of Turkey, Syria and other affected regions. PAME, sending a message of fraternity and solidarity, conveyed the readiness of the class trade unions of Greece to support in every possible way their colleagues in the affected areas. We have the bitter experience from the great tragedies and natural disasters in Greece. Disasters but where the solidarity, organisation and action of the trade unions and the people were a shield of protection and effective help to the victims of the disasters. Action that proved that only the peoples save the people.

Trajediye karลŸฤฑ birlikte duruyoruz! Her tรผrlรผ yardฤฑma hazฤฑrฤฑz!

Yalnฤฑz deฤŸilsiniz!

We call on all trade unions, federations, Regional Trade Union Centres in Greece to express support and solidarity with the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

In the coming hours PAME will publish specific information about the organization of material aid, items and delivery points.


Solidarity with the earthquake victims

LAB trade union sends its most sincere condolences and a strong solidarity embrace to the people of Kurdistan, Turkey and Syria due to the devastating earthquake they have suffered during the last hours.
The magnitude of the tragedy stirs our consciences and turns today our thoughts to the countries that are suffering the consequences of the fatal earthquake.
The Basque Country is a solidary nation that reveals itself in the face of adversity and extends its hand to those in need, and today those in need of our support and solidarity are the Kurdish, Turkish and Syrian people.
Solidarity is a two-way act, and our country is also accustomed to receiving solidarity when we have had to face adversity. Today it is time to show solidarity with other countries, and as we have always done, LAB trade union will be where it should be and where it is needed.
Unfortunately there is not much more to say on a day like this, but we would just like to add LAB’s commitment to help and contribute in whatever is necessary. Days like today are more days of doing than of saying, and for our part, we can only reaffirm our solidarity and support, and of course our commitment to face the magnitude of the tragedy. Our hearts are with you.