Friday, October 18, 2024

Condolences on the death of peruvian trade union leader Mario Huaman Rivera

Condolencias por el fallecimiento del lider sindical peruano Mario Huaman Rivera  La Federaciรณn Sindical Mundial (FSM) ha recibido triste informaciรณn del sensible fallecimiento del recordado...

Acogen a delegaciรณn de la CTC en Grecia.

La delegaciรณn presidida por Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, secretario general de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba( CTC)recibiรณ una cรกlida acogida a su llegada...

WFTU Press Release on the Secretariat meeting 8-9 November 2022

The WFTU Secretariat meeting took place on 8-9 November, 2022 in the Headquarters of the Federation in Athens, Greece.  The WFTU Secretariat, on the occasion...

Greece: WFTU Secretariat participates in PAME strike rally

The WFTU Secretariat participated in the massive PAME rally in Athens, Greece, in the framework of the Greek General Strike of 9 November.  The WFTU...

Meetings of COSCO Port Workers of Piraeus with Italian Port Workers

A delegation of the ENEDEP Union of COSCO dockers of Piraeus, Greece is in Italy, at the invitation of the USB Trade Union, to...


Violent attack against anti-fascist students at La SapienzaNo to repression and neo-fascists in the university The Unione Sindacale di Base strongly denounces the violent attack...

The WFTU participated at the congress of the CGT des Bouches du Rhรดne ร ...

The WFTU participated at the congress of the CGT des Bouches du Rhรดne ร  Martigues in France, represented by comrade Cinzia della Porta, member...

A new massacre in Turkish mines

More deaths in Erdogan's mines. After the massacre in the Soma mine where, in 2014, 301 Turkish miners died, one of the recent mine...