Cyprus. Efforts by hoteliers to deregulate labour relations: Immediate withdrawal of the Decree on the National Employment Strategy

SYXKA-PEO expresses its satisfaction that a number of hoteliers have implemented what was agreed (Memorandum of Understanding 17/10/2022) and with the January and February payroll paid to the workers the planned wage increases and the wage allowance (ATA).

At the same time, we call on the Hotel Owners’ Associations PASYXE and STEC to stop hiding and call on their members who have not implemented the agreed upon agreements to date to complete the process with the March payroll and comply by paying the workers the obvious.

The patience of the workers has run out and the Guilds have initiated the labour dispute procedures to the local Labour Relations Departments as provided for in the Labour Relations Code.

Also, in several workplaces the dialogue with the employers has been exhausted as they are making unsubstantiated allegations.

We declare our determination for strong mobilizations in the coming days in hotels that continue to violate Collective Agreements and legislation.

At a time when the outlook for tourism in 2023 is promising, the hotel industry cannot remain hostage to hoteliers. With these behaviours it is clear that an attempt is being made to ostracise local skilled staff to become the Labour Department for importing workers from Third Countries using them as cheap labour. This attempt by hoteliers is being made before the workers have even returned back from the winter season work suspension.

It is for this reason that the Trade Union Movement reacted to the announcement of the National Employment Strategy by the Government as we consider it problematic and that it came without any consultation with the Trade Unions. The trade union movement has already called on the new Minister of Labour and Social Security to withdraw the relevant Decree and for a fruitful dialogue to take place.

The information we keep receiving is that the Labour Department is approving applications to dozens of employers without taking into account the positions of the Guilds .

We firmly declare that in the coming days if the National Employment Strategy is not withdrawn and work permits continue to be approved by the Labour Department of the Ministry in charge, then the workers will go on dynamic mobilizations.