USB: 8 November national industry strike defending our country’s industry, we demand wage increases...
8 November is a day of mobilisation and strike for the entire Italian industrial sector.Mobilisations in many cities, which affects most of the large...
Spanish State: The WFTU denounces the police repression of October 1st in Catalonia
The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) which represents more than 92 million workers in 126 countries of the whole world, strongly condemns the...
Statement by WFTU General Secretary George Mavrikos
President Macron, a champion of authoritarianism and anti-labor measures
On behalf of the International Class Trade Union Movement, we express our solidarity with all the...
Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia (OSČMS), Czech Republic, the WFTU affiliate, expresses its full support and solidarity to the TU Association...
Meetings of COSCO Port Workers of Piraeus with Italian Port Workers
A delegation of the ENEDEP Union of COSCO dockers of Piraeus, Greece is in Italy, at the invitation of the USB Trade Union, to...
PAME: Nous Nous Tenons Aux Côtés Des Travailleurs Français Pour Leur Grève Générale Le...
Le PAME exprime sa solidarité avec les travailleurs de France qui entament une grève générale nationale le 19 janvier contre la sale tentative du...
Euskadi: miles de personas salimos el sábado en defensa de la sanidad pública
Larunbatean milaka atera ginen osasungintza publikoa defendatzera
Bilbo-ko, Donostia-ko eta Gasteiz-ko kaleetan jendetza bildu da Osakidetzako langileek deitutako manifestazioetan.
Osakidetza salba dezagun lelopean, eta azkenaldian haien...
Portugal: Hospital de Guimarães proibiu a atividade sindical na empresa
A administração do Hospital de Guimarães proibiu a entrada de um dirigente sindical nas instalações do hospital e a realização de uma reunião de...
Greece National Strike of Workers in the Pharmaceutical Industries
Another big battle in the Pharmaceutical industry was fought by the workers on July 5 for the signing of a sectoral Collective Labour Agreement...
Stop the Massacres, Stop the War, Free Palestine
Fermare le stragi, fermare la guerra, Palestina libera
Israele sta ormai assassinando migliaia di palestinesi nel mattatoio di Gaza senza alcun freno. Il bombardamento dell’ospedale...