Italy. Lower your weapons! Raise the wages! Saturday 18 Demonstration at Pisa airport, towards the national mobilisation in Genoa

Hundreds of male and female workers, together with students and supportive political forces launched from Pisa airport the approach from Tuscany to the national demonstration on 25 February in Genoa! An excellent signal of continuity and concrete opposition to the war from the place where 11 months ago airport workers refused to load weapons disguised as humanitarian aid into the G.Galilei civil airport!

Next Saturday in Genoa will be an important day against and to tell the Meloni government to ‘Lower the weapons and raise the wages’, to stop spending on the horror of war, to be allocated instead to the real priorities for the working men and women of this country!

25 February will also be a day of national strike in the ports sector declared by the Coordinamento Porti – Usb. The daily war is the one that men and women workers suffer in the workplace, in the ports alone there have been 3 deaths in the last month: it is time to say enough and stop the slaughter, finally introducing the crime of murder at work!

Unione Sindacale di Base – Tuscany Confederation