Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Teleworking – the role of young workers against modern forms of flexible working

On the 5th of  March, the European Regional Office of the World Trade Union Federation organised a web- seminar under the title "Teleworking -...

20th June – World Refugee Day – European Regional Office of WFTU Week of...

"War, violence and persecution around the world force more people than ever to be displaced from their homes", "…there were 65.6 million people displaced...

European Regional Office of WFTU solidarity message with the general strike in the Basque...

The European Regional Office of WFU expresses its solidarity with the general strike on the 30th of January in the Basque country which has...

Speech of the WFTU President, Mzwandile Michael Makwayiba in the 109th ILC Plenary Session

The consequences of the Pandemic on the working class and the trade union movement Dear friends, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, The workers all over the world have...

WFTU solidarity declaration with the Palestinian people

WFTU solidarity declaration with the Palestinian people On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on the 29th of November,...

WFTU GS interview on the status of the international working class movement

WFTU GS interview on the status of the international working class movement https://www.wftucentral.org/wftu-gs-interview-on-the-status-of-the-international-working-class-movement/?fbclid=IwAR0aRFPsp5F-XSZibCcmYCLcZOgTKb_o6_raehFPE05V1sD8E4C9EML8Ufw

WFTU PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL: Speech Comrade Pierpaolo Leonardi, WFTU European Office

WFTU PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL – CYPRUS March 3/4, 2023 Speech Comrade Pierpaolo Leonardi – USB Italy – WFTU European Office Comrade General Secretary, Comrade President, Dear Comrades First...

ETUC congress opens tomorrow. They pretend that nothing is happening in order to continue...

---- ENG They pretend that nothing is happening in order to continue to serve the European Union and the interests of capital. Starting tomorrow, the leaders...

PAME Call for National Strike September 21-Big demonstration Sept. 15

 With a big Demonstration in front of the Parliament, on Friday, September 15, the class unions gave a first, militant response to the Government’s...

Solidarity with Palestine grows with militant Actions every day

PAME held a series of actions in solidarity with Palestine, denouncing the continuing crimes of Israel in Gaza. During the Athens Marathon race hundreds of...