Message of the European Regional Office of the WFTU for the assassination of Soumaila Sacko in Italy

On behalf of the European Regional Office of the WFTU we express our class solidarity and we condemn the assassination of Soumaila Sacko from Mali, migrant militant in the front row of USB Italy.

The class-based trade union movement in Europe expresses its solidarity with the refugees and migrant workers and is fighting against the hypocrisy of the EU which is treating them as invaders and criminals and  demands measures and the creation of dignified reception and integration infrastructures for refugees, safeguarding opportunities for dignified work, health, education and social life.

We must intensify our actions against racism and xenophobia, which enables capital to intensify the exploitation   of the working class.

We express our solidarity with the struggle of the Italian and migrant workers led by USB with the strike on the 4th   of June and the national rally on the 16th of June.

We convey warm condolences to the family of Soumaila Sacko and the comrades of USB.