On the 24th and 25th of February, the TUI PS&A (Civil Service FSM Structure) Executive Meeting was held in Palmela, Lisbon.The meeting, attended by members of the Executive from all over the world, was an opportunity to analyse the profound and rapidly changing international situation and to define the role of TUI’s public service affiliates.
All over the world, the public sector is undergoing processes of privatisation and outsourcing, with the result that the situation of the workers is deteriorating considerably and the means of struggle, the strike in the first line, is being progressively weakened.
Approved the action plan for the coming years, the need for growth and strengthening, defined some common days of struggle, against privatisation and for the enhancement of the social function of public workers, reiterated the need for dissemination and visibility of the actions of struggle carried out in each country. Throughout the world, public sector workers are in the front line for fair wages, collective bargaining, trade union rights such as representation and above all the right to strike.
Internationalist solidarity must characterise our actions, whether in support of the Palestinian people, Cuba, Venezuela or in support of our daily struggles between our different affiliates.
2025 will be the year of the 80th anniversary of FSM and the 76th anniversary of TUI PS, moments that must become opportunities for organising events and confrontations also in the workplaces.
In Europe, TUI is weaker than in other continents, so contact work and initiative building will be necessary to grow and strengthen TUI, also in relation to the European regional office (coordinated by USB).To organise and struggle