Germany. Finally a workers’ deed: the IG Metall offices in Ingolstadt occupied!

When the worker acts, he recognizes his power. And conquers his union.

War-mongers out of the union!

What good is a trade union that would rather see us workers on the battlefield of war than in production for peace to build up the country according to our needs? German capital, its government and its armed forces are planning the “air war against Russia” (Minister of War Pis- torius). But this is the war against us workers. And the IG Metall leadership is also planning it. Today the war is costing us the food on our plates, tomorrow it will cost us and our children our lives. That’s what we told you Audi colleagues last week, on August 20, at Gates 7, 10 and 11, and gave you leaflets. Many of you were horrified and angry. What should we do? “Come with us to the union building,” we said, “now!”

The occupation of the IG Metall offices in Ingolstadt.

From an interview in the daily newspaper Junge Welt with one of the occupiers of the IG Metall offices in Ingolstadt: Junge Welt: Issue of 22.8.2024, page 8 / Germany “Warmongers at the top must give way”

Bavaria: Anti-war activists occupy trade union building and demand a stop to agreements with arms companies. Interview with Franz Hohn, member of the Workers’ League for the Reconstruction of the KPD.

Interview: Gitta Düperthal

Trade union members and anti-war activists briefly occupied the IG Metall office in the Ingolstadt trade union building on Tuesday. Your leaflet read: “You think you’re in the war ministry and not in the union building.” What are you accusing the union leadership of?

The IG Metall leadership in Ingolstadt takes part in the preparations for war. It concludes agreements with arms manufacturers, such as Airbus in Ingolstadt/Manching, to build more war planes for the air war against Russia. It believes this will secure jobs. But their production means further murder of workers and peoples. That is why the working people must now occupy their own trade union buildings. The warmongers at the top of the union must go. It is our house. We need it to organize the anti-war struggle. We were there once before on July 25 and demanded: IG Metall must begin the fight against war preparations. We confronted the first representative of IGM Ingolstadt, Carlos Gil, with this demand.

On August 20, Carlos Gill was not present, but about ten union officials and employees were. This time we had banners with us. One read “Warriors out of the union”, the second: “Workers don’t shoot at workers”. We hung the first one out of the window and placed the second one in front of the entrance. We handed over a letter calling on Gill to table the following motion at the next delegates’ meeting. (full letter on the back)

“Get out! We don’t need such members” shout the “trade union leaders” in white shirts, De Lapuente & Co – and call the police against workers and opponents of the war. These are supposed to be our “leaders”? They are auxiliaries of the class enemy. Get them out of the union! Otherwise they will lead us into war.

LKocal PgroupDs Munich – Nuremberg