VIDEO: Labour Movement in Turkey (15 May – 15 June 2024)

On 15 May, workers of ร‡iฤŸli Municipality and on 20 May workers of Bayraklฤฑ Municipality took actions against dismissals and wage cuts.

On 20 May, nearly 60 subcontracted workers of InceoฤŸullarฤฑ Construction Company working at the construction of the Aydฤฑn-Denizli motorway had stopped work due to the extortion of their wages for months. The workersโ€™ strike resulted in victory on its 12th day.

On 22 May, workers from ฤฐZENERJฤฐ and ฤฐZDOฤžA companies, part of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, held a press statement led by their unions Genel-ฤฐลŸ and Belediye-ฤฐลŸ. They emphasized that they will fight together against the dismissal attacks.

On 21 May, 30 workers started picketing at the Borusan Port in Gemlik, where Liman-ฤฐลŸ union is organising, following dismissals and anti-union hostility. On 12 June, the workers protested against the anti-union attitude with a demonstration at ฤฐskele Square.

The workers of the coal mine run by ODAลž Yel Enerji started picketing against the hostility towards union. The picketing started on 9 May resulted in a victory on 24 May.

Organised under Demiryol-ฤฐลŸ union, workers from ฤฐzmir Metro Aลž gathered in front of the general directorate building on 22 May to demand improvements in working conditions and an end to pressure and mobbing.

On 22 May, workers from ฤฐzmir branch of Union of Office Workers, BES, gathered in front of the Provincial Directorate of Social Security Institution to protest against the public sector austerity package.

Following the call of the All Pensionersโ€™ Union, pensioners took to the squares in many cities including Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa on 25 May, shouting: โ€œNo to Hunger and Miseryโ€. Workers from UฤฐD-DER took part in the rally in the main square of Bursa with the banner โ€œStand Together Against the Attacks of Capital and Governmentโ€.

On the 40th day of their strike, the workers of the French-owned Mersen factory in Gebze Organised Industrial Zone took action and marched from Taksim Square to the French Consulate General in Istanbul.

300 workers at the Gรผrdesan Ship Machinery Factory went on a work stoppage to protest against the ร–z ร‡elik-ฤฐลŸ Union for signing the collective agreement without the workers’ approval.

AKP-run Menemen Municipality dismissed about 400 workers after the elections. On 29 May, the dismissed workers who are members of Hizmet-ฤฐลŸ and Belediye-ฤฐลŸ unions started picketing in front of the municipality.

On 29 May, workers from Energy Workersโ€™ Union affiliated to Hak-ฤฐลŸ Confederation held demonstrations in Trabzon and Bursa. They protested poor working conditions and occupational fatalities in their sector.

Organised under Petrol-ฤฐลŸ union, Sumitomo tyre factory workers went on strike on 29 May after the collective bargaining failed to reach an agreement. On the 13th day of the strike, workers from UฤฐD-DER paid a solidarity visit to the Sumitomo workers.

Family physicians and family health workers once again raised their voices against tax injustice. Health workers took to the streets in many cities across Turkey and reacted to the erosion of their wages due to tax cuts of up to 35 percent.

Organised under Tekgฤฑda-ฤฐลŸ union, workers at the Kristal Oil factory of Arkas Holding went on strike on 11 June after collective bargaining failed to reach an agreement.

In Filidea Tekstil factory in Denizli, workers organised under the TEKSIF union to improve their working conditions and increase their wages. Then, they faced an attack of dismissal. On 7 June, the workers started picketing.

Workers of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, members of Tรผm Bel-Sen Istanbul Branch No 4, protested against the outstanding wage differences arising from the collective agreement for 3 months.

Within the scope of the 54th anniversary of the Great Workersโ€™ Resistance of 15-16 June 1970, DฤฐSK organised various actions and activities under the title โ€œIn the Footsteps of Glorious 15-16 June, To the Struggle for Bread, Justice and Libertyโ€ and leaflets were read out in organised workplaces.

On 12 June, subcontracted cleaners working in ISS company at Etlik City Hospital staged a demonstration to protest against low wages despite harsh working conditions.

The collective bargaining negotiations between Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Tรผm Bel-Sen union failed to reach an agreement. On 13 June, workers stopped work for a whole day and protested the usurpation of their rights in front of the municipality building.