Mobilisations across Greece after the train crash in Larissa under the slogan “Our dead, Their Profits”

Massive militant demonstration: We will not forget this crime

With massive demonstration in front of the central offices of the company Hellenic Train in Athens, thousands of workers with their unions, denounced , yesterday March 2 , for the deadly train crash occurred near the city of Larissa, in central Greece.

Τhe protesters shouted clear and loud that this crime was not the result of bad timing, nor human error. It is the result of a long-term policy of all the governments, the policy of privatizations, that have left the country’s railway network without necessary safety measures.

“Our deads were sacrificed for their profits, we will not forget this crime”, denounced the unions, stating that they will continue their struggle against the policies of the monopolies and governments that serve their profits.

The representative of the workers’ Federation at the railways, stated that they will continue with new strikes next week.


Thousands in the streets of Athens on 1 March

Demonstrations and protests in other cities in Greece

The children of Larissa flooded the city on march 3 and state clearly They will not accept the loss of their classmates for the profits of the few “WE WILL AVENGE YOU KID”

Athens Students’ huge demo for greece train crash “No more tears Now rage the youth will not forgive”