European seminar: โ€œThe attack on the right to strike and the repression of strugglesโ€

The increase in exploitation, the explosion of inflation and the speculative rise in the prices of energy commodities, partly as a consequence of the European Union’s choices to participate more and more directly in the ongoing war, are producing a strong resurgence of labor and social struggles throughout Europe.
Strikes are sweeping through all European countries, even if with varying intensity, and at the same time repression and attacks on conflict and the right to strike are growing.
The attempt of the European Union and European governments to tighten measures to contain social and labor struggles in an attempt to prevent the righteous anger of the working and popular sectors through the mechanism of capitalist accumulation and its direct participation in the inter-imperialist war and interbloc competition is evident.
Class unions in Europe must make every effort, collectively and in their own countries, to better organize struggles and defend the right to strike and the right to protest.

Theย  seminar entitled: “THE ATTACK ON THE RIGHT TO STRIKE AND THE REPRESSION OF STRUGGLES ” ย will be held in Bilbao with the participation of members of the WFTU European Regional Secretariat.

World Federation of Trade Unions โ€“ European Regional Office