Conclusions from the corruption cases of yellow trade union leaders in the European Union


The International Workers’ Institute (IWI) will host a very timely and important speech by the Italian comrade Pierpaolo Leonardi, a member of the WFTU PC, a cadre of the USB Italy, under the topic:

“Conclusions from the corruption cases of yellow trade union leaders in the European Union”

The reason for the speech is the arrest for corruption and financing from Qatar, of the Italian General Secretary of the ITUC.

The speech will take place via zoom. Register for participation in the IWI email:

Comrade Pierpaolo Leonardi, apart from being Italian, is also the head of the European office of the WFTU.


“I casi di corruzione dei dirigenti sindacali gialli nell’Unione Europea”
Importante iniziativa internazionale organizzata dall’International Worker’s Institute (IWI). Il webinair si terrà su Zoom Giovedì 19 gennaio, per registrarsi scrivere un e-mail a
Il link per partecipare:…

Conclusions from the corruption cases of yellow trade union leaders in the European Union