Violent attack against anti-fascist students at La Sapienza
No to repression and neo-fascists in the university

The Unione Sindacale di Base strongly denounces the violent attack carried out by agents in riot gear, inside the premises of La Sapienza University, against the anti-fascist students who had gathered in a garrison at the Faculty of Political Science. The demonstration of the anti-fascists, in fact, had been organised to contest an initiative launched by a youth organisation close to Fratelli d’Italia, the main party of the new right-wing government.

To the legitimate anger of the students, who have long seen neo-fascist organisations unleashed within the university, it was decided to respond with repression and truncheons. We express our utmost solidarity with the anti-fascist students and the youth organisation “Cambiare Rotta”, with whom we have long shared initiatives and struggles. We strongly condemn the attitude of the police and denounce the responsibilities of the university institutions. Evidently this is the new government’s way of presenting itself to the university community: truncheons and repression seem to be the only future they envisage for young people.

For years, we have been fighting against the dismantling of the public sector: a phenomenon that has also had harmful effects in the university, with decades of reforms and measures that have debased its role of higher education and, through the entry of private entities in the Boards of Directors, put it at the service of profit.
In our country’s universities there is no need for police, while there is a lack of teaching spaces and a shortage of both teaching and technical staff, due to decades of cuts and systematic divestment of our public educational institutions.

Unione Sindacale di Base – Italia