European Regional Office of WFTU Solidarity message with USB strikes and demonstrations – 20-21-22 of May

On the 20-21-22 of May, USB will organize in Italy days of struggle: strikes and demonstrations.

More specifically on the 20th of May will be a day of disobedience on the 5oth anniversary of the Workers’ Statute, against the new social pact, for health and safety, guaranteed salary and income for all, reduction of working hours for the same salary, for nationalizations and universal welfare.

On the 21st of May calls a strike for solidarity with  land workers.

On the 22nd of May national strike of waste collection workers in defense of the right to health and the right to strike.

European Union and the governments promote hard anti-labor measures to serve the interests of the big capital.

The big capital and the multinationals have exploited the conditions created by the pandemic to launch attacks on working people’s rights, violating their right to work in safely and the protection of their lives, and with the sole aim of maximising their profits.

The current situation highlights the need to intensify the struggles against the attacks waged by capital and the need to intensify the struggle.

The European Regional Office of the WFTU express class solidarity and support and assures working people in Italy that we stand on their side.

We call all organization to express their solidarity with USB Italy