Saturday, October 19, 2024

WFTU statement on World Water Day

21 Mar 2023 The WFTU on behalf of its 105 million workers in the 5 continents, on the occasion of the World Water Day on...

Portugal. Greve Nacional da Administração Pública paralisa autarquias em todo o país

20 Março 2023 A Greve Nacional da Administração Pública, convocada pela Frente Comum, arrancou ontem à noite com uma forte adesão nos sectores da higiene...

Déclaration de solidarité de la FSM avec la nouvelle grève en France

Déclaration de solidarité de la FSM avec la nouvelle grève en France La Fédération Syndicale Mondiale exprime sa solidarité pleine et entière avec les

L’USB exprime son soutien et sa solidarité avec la lutte des travailleurs français contre...

L'USB exprime son soutien et sa solidarité avec la lutte des travailleurs français contre la nouvelle attaque sur les retraites, demande la libération immédiate...

Avec les travailleurs français en lutte

Le Bureau régional européen de la Fédération syndicale mondiale Invite toutes les organisations syndicales affiliées à organiser des manifestations devant les ambassades et consulats...

Brutal charges against striking porters at Italtrans, USB: the struggle does not stop, we’ll... At Italtrans in Calcio (Bergamo), the police brutally attacked the more than 200 workers of USB who have been on strike since this morning....

Cyprus. Efforts by hoteliers to deregulate labour relations: Immediate withdrawal of the Decree on...

SYXKA-PEO expresses its satisfaction that a number of hoteliers have implemented what was agreed (Memorandum of Understanding 17/10/2022) and with the January and February...

UK: Tube Strike shuts London Underground

Over 10,000 RMT members have today shut London Underground in a strike over pensions, job cuts and attacks on working conditions. The job losses planned...

Comment on the ITUC General Council decision regarding the well-known bribery scandal.

The ITUC General Council, in its yesterday's session, attempted to whitewash the ITUC responsibilities regarding the well-known bribery scandal and the arrest of its...

UK: “No More P&Os” Week of Action, 14 – 21 March

Tuesday 14th March – 1300 demonstration outside Parliament (Old Palace Yard) followed by a rally in Parliament, 2pm Lords Committee Room 1.  Speakers: Louise...