Monday, September 16, 2024

April 17 Greece National Strike a Massive New Step For Wage Increases

With Massive and militant rallies all over Greece thousands of workers demanded Collective Contracts with wage increases, measures against inflation, disengagement from the imperialist...

Plenário dos trabalhadores da CARRISTUR/Madeira

Os trabalhadores da CARRISTUR na região autónoma da Madeira, reúnem  em plenário, amanhã (27 Agosto) entre as 15 e as 18 horas, na sede...

European Regional Office of WFTU Solidarity Message for the 14th of...

On behalf of the European Regional Office of WFTU we express our class solidarity to the Day of Action, which will be organized in...

European Regional Office of WFTU Solidarity message with USB strikes and demonstrations –...

On the 20-21-22 of May, USB will organize in Italy days of struggle: strikes and demonstrations. More specifically on the 20th of May will be...

Eurof WFTU soutient inconditionnellement les travailleurs de Total energie et Exxon Mobil organisés avec...

Eurof WFTU soutient inconditionnellement les travailleurs de Total energie et Exxon Mobil organisés avec la FNIC CGT en grève pour de fortes augmentations de...

Brasile, tentato golpe: la ferma condanna di USB

L’Unione Sindacale di Base condanna il tentativo di golpe di domenica 8 gennaio a Brasilia, che ha visto i fascisti di Bolsonaro dare l’assalto...

Earthquake, USB appeal to Meloni government: redirect war spending to help Turkish, Syrian and...

The USB appeals to the Italian government to take immediate action to help the people affected by the earthquake that struck Anatolia tonight, claiming...

WFTU statement on the Palestinian Land Day and the Launching of an International Solidarity...

The World Federation of Trade Unions honors Palestinians Land Day, commemorated since March 30th, 1976, when the Israeli police shot and killed six Palestinians...

WFTU European Office condemns the Israeli aggression in Jenin

Ten dead and dozens injured, some of them seriously, are the result, unfortunately not definitive, of the air attack launched by the Israeli army...